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Welcome, to my page! You can find a couple of blog posts below or feel free to look at blog or my projects.

Building a better enum

Recently, I’ve been working a fair amount with both C# and C++. One thing that I rather enjoyed about C# is the strongly typed enumerations. This one feature of C++ that I find lacking, even into modern C++17 standards. I thought it might be a useful exercise to recreate the versatile and type-safe Enum class from C# in C++.

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Starting Work

Looks like I’m starting to work; much less of a change of pace than had been suggested by others. Perhaps it is the current responsibilities of my work or a honeymoon period, but I hope that the future will bring a wealth of new experiences and knowledge.

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Hello, World!

This blog is a place for me to discuss things that I think are important, interesting, or frustrating. I may talk about work, personal projects, ideas, or many other topics.

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